Address 70, Agrabad, C/A, Chottagram, Bangladesh.
Phone Number +8801322887188

Payra Port

Payra Port is the 3rd sea port of Bangladesh located in areas between latitudes 21015’-22000’ North and longitudes 90000’-90030’ East, on the bank of Rabnabad Channel under Kalapara, a sub-district of Patuakhali. Honorable Prime minister of Bangladesh has inaugurated the operational activities in limited scale on 13th August 2016, with minimum essential logistics supports. Since September 2019 the coal and other cargo carrying ships have been calling the port regularly. The government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has formulated short, medium and long term plans to develop Payra Port as a modern sea port. By 2023, Payra is expected to be a fully operational sea port through completion of capital dredging project as part of mid-term plan. Meanwhile, the master plan of the port has been prepared by Netherland-based consulting company Royal HaskoningDHV and it is expected that the port will emerge as a vibrant world class sea port in near future. With the following unique features, Payra Port can offer tremendous potential benefits for the potential users and investors:


a.         Deeper access channel than other competing ports of the country.

b.        Shortest and deepest (5m all along) river route connectivity with the capital Dhaka and beyond.

c.         Hassle-free berthing with no congestion or waiting time.

d.        Least logistics cost for the business people.

e.         24/7 Operations with zero downtime.

f.         Good road connectivity with rail connections coming up.


The port is carrying out Capital and Maintenance Dredging of Rabnabad channel by world class dredging company Jan de Nul, which will deepen the channel to -10.5m CD, making the port the deepest in the country. As a result, ships of PANAMAX size will be able to enter the port.

Channel Dimensions After Dredging Allowable Ships’ Dimensions

After Dredging

Length 75 Kilometer Length 200 Meter+
Width 125 Meter Breadth 30 Meter+
Depth -10.5 Meter CD Draught 11 Meter+


40,000-50,000 DWT
3,000 TEU
